This fun and modern design is perfect your Save the Date. Your favorite photo is sure to stand out from the rest on this elegant and modern photo Save the Date card. The background is black and aqua with framed squares to highlight both your photo and a special message. Your photo creates the main focus of your announcement with your text to the right. If you would like this design in another color scheme, please contact me via the link on my front page.
Make custom invitations and announcements for every special occasion! Add photos and text to both sides of this flat card for free.
•5" x 7" (portrait) or 7" x 5" (landscape)
•Choose from six paper types and nine colors
•High quality, full-color, full-bleed printing on both sides
•Each invitation comes with a white envelope
•Additional sizes available
Designed and posted to the marketplace by the Zazzler NoteableExpressions, the stunning aqua custom invitation template displayed above can be searched for in the Save the Date & Engagement Party store section. With the name, “modern aqua and black photo save the date invitation”, this customizable invitation template design's name was a very appropriate choice for a whole bunch of different reasons. Quite useful for communicating with your guests, this modern aqua and black photo save the date invitation can be found by searching for the tags, modern, save the date, blue, and wedding. If you liked viewing this great customizable invitation, you may find some other choices in this Zazzle artist's shop or in the Zazzle marketplace.
Offered on high quality card stock, our personalized invitations are the ultimate way to send your party details. One-of-a-kind and colorful, this wedding store category personalized invitation will be created with this Zazzle designer's aqua idea with Zazzle's high tech production method that will render the design at the highest level of quality. In the end, the outstanding aqua custom invitation template displayed above will be so beautiful that you will want to mail one to all of your relatives!